Beautiful Poem from Mount Hermon Trail
Keri Lippman
Place of Repair, O blessed place of refuge!
How gladly will I come to meet Him there,
to cease awhile from all the joy of service,
to find a deeper joy with Him to share!
Place of Repair, for tired brain and body!
How much I need that place just out of sight,
where only He can talk and be beside me,
until again made strong by His great might!
Place of Repair, when trials press upon me,
and God permits the unexpected test,
'tis there I learn some lessons sweet and precious,
as simply on His faithfulness I rest.
Place of Repair, to wait for fresh enduement,
I silently alone with Him would stay,
until He speaks again, and says,
"Go forward, to help some other sheep to find their way."
Place of Repair, O trysting place most Hallowed!
The Lord Himself is just that place to me,
His grace, His strength, His glory and His triumph,
Himself alone, my all--sufficiency.