Individual Spiritual Direction:

  • First Session Complimentary

  • $75 per Individual 50-minute Session*

  • $390 for 6-Session Package*

  • Example

We offer in-person, video conference, phone call, and email correspondence for Spiritual Direction. Sessions can be scheduled every 2-4 weeks.

*10% will be donated to the Scholarship fund

Contact us to begin Spiritual below!

Group Spiritual Direction

  • $300 per person for 6-Session Package*

  • $50 per person for each 2-hour Session*

Group Direction is a unique opportunity to meet with 4-6 individuals and practice Group Discernment. This is a practice of prayerful listening to one another in order to see more clearly God’s active work in our lives. Group Discernment has been utilized for thousands of years by the Church and will help to create new pathways to knowing God in your own life and in the lives of those around you.

*10% will be donated to the Scholarship fund

Contact us to be placed in a Group, or if you already have an established Group that you would like us to lead.



  1. Preliminary Email

  2. Retreat Package

  3. Follow-Up Email



  1. Spiritual Direction Preparatory Session

  2. Retreat Center Recommendations

  3. Retreat Packet

  4. Spiritual Direction Debrief Session

  5. Follow-Up Materials



  1. Extended Spiritual Direction Preparatory Session

  2. Personalized Retreat Center Recommendation

  3. Personalized Retreat Packet

  4. Extended Spiritual Direction Debrief Session

  5. Personalized Follow-Up Materials

  6. (2) Follow-up Emails with your Spiritual Director