The infallible test of spiritual integrity, Jesus says, is your private prayer life... Christianity without real experience of God will eventually be no Christianity at all.”
— Tim Keller, Prayer: Experiencing Awe & Intimacy with God


  • One-on-one with God

  • Personal

  • Self-awareness

A Soul-Care Retreat is a specific time set aside to be aware of God’s presence and work in your soul through rest, reflection and solitude, and to share personal connection with Him by participating in His already active work. It is a one-on-one experience with God. Jesus did this all the time.

See Packages for more information, including Personalized Retreat Materials with a Spiritual Direction Session.


  • Scripture

  • Reflection

  • Letting Down

A Soul Care Retreat can be structured and unstructured, depending on your needs and desires. It may include naps, meals, walks, prayer, relaxation, journaling, spiritual reading, drawing or even fasting. 


  • Plan Location and Arrive

  • Slowly let down…begin to Rest…

  • Reflect & Pray

 Once you’ve planned, packed and arrived at your Soul-Care Retreat location, you can begin your time with a simple prayer, unpack, and begin to notice the world around you. Use the Evening to slow your thoughts, grow in awareness of your desires and most importantly, begin to share these things with God through prayer, journaling, prayer-walking, drawing, or sitting in His presence and just thinking. Utilize the space not to accomplish or to produce, but to be present and to enjoy God’s presence.


  • Tiredness

  • Surprising thoughts and emotions

  • Longing

Especially if this is your first Soul-Care Retreat, your body will catch up on what it needs most—sleep, processing, decisions, anxiety, fear, etc. Don’t avoid, instead, pay attention to these things. Talk to God about them. He made your frame, he knows you’re only dust…

This time is special because God’s Spirit dwells inside you, let Him tend to whatever needs come up. There is no standard for success on a Soul-Care Retreat!

Let your soul be loved.


  • Overworked

  • Needing Refreshment

  • Longing for Insight

A Soul-Care Retreat is needed for many reasons—but most deeply because our souls are made to live and dwell in active relationship with God. A thousand pressures and requirements war against the rest our souls need. Spending one-on-One time with God, just like Jesus did, will bring us the rest, refreshment and insight we need to re-engage and grow in our relationships with God.

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Retreats are ways we pull back from the battle and rest…In the presence of the holy One we enter into silence and solitude and rest in God. Resting gives us the energy it takes to build our relationship with God one on one. When we are rested, we listen better. When we are rested, we notice desires as well as lies buried in our souls.
— Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook