A Prayer for Weariness and Division
As we journey with individuals and groups over the course of a year, there are a few themes that seem to come up again and again.
These are two of them: Weariness and division.
These experiences have deep roots. They take us into the reality of our hearts and into our experience of God.
And can help us to glimpse a facet of God’s character and power that we wouldn’t otherwise see.
“I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you.
And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes ”
Things like Weariness and Division also help us to see ourselves, our habits, our needs, our natural responses to limitation and brokenness.
And these are powerful places to cultivate honesty in a prayer life.
What would it be like to talk with God about your weariness?
What would it be like to share space with God and consider areas of division?
If this hits home with you, take a moment and pray through the prompts below, and see where He is already-active in the midst of your situations…
Start with praying this:
“God, here I am, I bring all of my heart and mind to You right now, I want to be open to You…”
Pause in His Presence.
Choose one prayer below and linger in it or proceed through both, as led by the Lord.
A Prayer for Weariness:
“God, underneath I am feeling something like weariness. I’m not just tired, it’s not just physical, there’s something deeper there. When I look inside I feel…”
Tell God what comes up in the weariness…pause with Him.
Then Pray…
“God, I know You have infinite resources and You love me, even when I don’t feel it.
“But I don’t necessarily know how to approach You in my tiredness, what do You do with a weary heart like mine?
Share with the Lord what it’s like being you right now. Anything that comes up. Let Him look with You on those thoughts, areas, emotions, themes.
In your weariness, lean on His untiring strength, lean on His everlasting arms.
Now read one or more of these Scriptures below, when something about that verse stands out to you, notice it. Stay with it. Rest it in. Talk with the Lord about it. Ask Him His thoughts about this.
End with Praying:
Lord Jesus, You know my heart, I can’t just change myself, and I can’t just muscle my way out of this. I truly need You. And though that can feel hard internally, it’s ultimately a way I can see You more.
Whatever You’re doing in the midst of this, I want to stay with that. If there’s healing for me or new patterns of living, Lord, I want to respond to Your work there. If there’s rest or new routine, Lord, I’m open. If there are blockages still, or things that seem to get in the way, I lean into Your ability to guide me, provide for me, and shelter me, no matter what’s next.
I receive afresh Your power and wisdom that You give generously, pour it out on me now for these very real things I’m facing. Let me see You more and know You more, for that is the only true thing that will satisfy my heart. And bless those who are on this journey with me, in Your name. Amen
A Prayer for Division:
“God, underneath I am feeling something like anger or offense, maybe even some hurt in a relationship. I’m not just frustrated, it’s not just a reaction anymore, there’s something deeper there. When I look inside I feel…”
Tell God what comes up in the anger or hurt…pause with Him.
Then Pray…
“Jesus, I know you have such forgiveness for me and You love me, even when I don’t feel it.
“But I don’t necessarily know how to approach You when I’m feeling this way, what do You do with a heart, like mine?
Share with the Lord what it’s like being you right now. Anything that comes up. Let Him look with You on those thoughts, areas, emotions, themes.
Receive afresh His forgiveness for you. His washing over your thoughts and emotions.
If there’s hurt beneath the anger, let Him see that. Tell Him why it hurt. Let His justice for you rise up and meet you.
Let Him see and know what was wrong about that area. And share what your reaction has been to that, talk openly with Him there.
Consider too, that He has such forgiveness for you in your broken places, and consider what it means that the other relationship/dynamic is broken too. Talk with Him about this.
Now read one or more of these Scriptures below, when something about that verse stands out to you, notice it. Stay with it. Rest it in. Talk with the Lord about it. Ask Him His thoughts about this.
End with Praying:
Lord Jesus, You know my heart, I can’t just change myself, and I can’t just muscle my way out of this. I truly need You. And though that can feel hard internally, it’s ultimately a way I can see You more.
Whatever You’re doing in the midst of this, I want to stay with that. If there’s healing for me or new patterns of living, Lord, I want to respond to Your work there. If there’s rest or new routine, Lord, I’m open. If there are blockages still, or things that seem to get in the way, I lean into Your ability to guide me, provide for me, and shelter me, no matter what’s next.
I receive afresh Your power and wisdom that You give generously, pour it out on me now for these very real things I’m facing. Let me see You more and know You more, for that is the only true thing that will satisfy my heart. And bless those who are on this journey with me, in Your name. Amen
Take a moment to rest-into all God has been speaking to you in this time…