Ready for Rest?
Finding space to rest can be difficult in the midst of busy life.
One avenue that provides a space away and allows for intentional openness to God is going on Retreat. It is not an escape from daily life, but an escape toward relationship with God.
Take time to discern how and when God is guiding you for Retreat. Here are some questions to help you think wisely about this decision before God.
What is currently going on in my life situation?
Is it feasible to leave and go on Retreat?
What do I need to put into place before I leave?
Have I sought God in His desire for me to go?
Have I sought guidance? From a Spiritual Director or a friend?
How is God speaking to me?
What is He saying in regards to going on retreat?
If this is your first retreat, make sure you seek counsel from a mentor, spiritual director or pastor. They can help you think about retreat, and provide good ideas for structure and follow up within your church. Provides Spiritual Direction, just click here!